
Are Virtual Lawyers Safe to Use?

Written by BusinessCorp | Dec 29, 2023 2:45:39 AM

Virtual lawyers are lawyers who provide legal services online, using technology to communicate with clients, draft documents, conduct research and handle disputes. Virtual lawyers are becoming more popular in Australia, especially among small and medium businesses who need affordable and accessible legal help.

But are virtual lawyers safe to use? How can you trust that they are qualified, experienced and reliable? How can you protect your confidential information and data when dealing with them online? In this blog post, we will answer these questions and give you some tips on how to find and work with a reputable virtual lawyer in Australia.


What are the benefits of using a virtual lawyer?

Using a virtual lawyer can have many benefits for your business, such as:

  • Saving time and money: Virtual lawyers often operate on a fixed-fee basis, meaning you know upfront how much your legal service will cost and avoid any hidden or hourly charges. Virtual lawyers also eliminate the need for travel, meetings and paperwork, making the process faster and more convenient.
  • Accessing specialised expertise: Virtual lawyers can offer a wide range of legal services, from contract drafting and review, to intellectual property protection, to dispute resolution. You can find a virtual lawyer who specialises in your industry or area of law, ensuring that you get the best advice for your situation.
  • Getting flexible and personalised service: Virtual lawyers can work around your schedule and preferences, allowing you to communicate with them via phone, email, video call or chat. You can also choose how much involvement you want in your legal matter, whether you need guidance, assistance or full representation.


What are the risks of using a virtual lawyer?

While using a virtual lawyer can have many advantages, there are also some potential risks that you should be aware of, such as:

  • Lack of quality control: Not all virtual lawyers are created equal. Some may not have the necessary qualifications, experience or skills to handle your legal matter effectively. Some may not be registered or insured to practice law in Australia. Some may outsource your work to third parties without your consent or knowledge.
  • Lack of security and privacy: When you deal with a virtual lawyer online, you may expose your confidential information and data to hackers, malware or other cyber threats. You may also lose access to your documents or records if the virtual lawyer's website or platform crashes or shuts down.
  • Lack of accountability and recourse: If something goes wrong with your virtual lawyer's service, such as missing a deadline, making a mistake or breaching your trust, you may have difficulty holding them accountable or seeking compensation. You may not have a written agreement or contract with them, or you may not know their physical location or contact details.


How can you find and work with a reputable virtual lawyer in Australia?

To avoid the risks and enjoy the benefits of using a virtual lawyer, you should do some research and due diligence before hiring one. Here are some tips on how to find and work with a reputable virtual lawyer in Australia:

  • Check their credentials and reputation: Look for a virtual lawyer who has the relevant qualifications, experience and expertise to handle your legal matter. You can check their website, profile or portfolio for their credentials, testimonials and reviews. You can also verify their registration and insurance status with the relevant law society or regulator in your state or territory.
  • Ask for a quote and agreement: Before engaging a virtual lawyer, ask for a clear and detailed quote and agreement that outlines the scope, cost and terms of their service. Make sure you understand what is included and excluded in their fee, how they will communicate with you, how they will protect your information and data, and what remedies you have if something goes wrong.
  • Communicate regularly and clearly: Once you hire a virtual lawyer, keep in touch with them throughout the process. Provide them with all the information and documents they need to do their job. Ask questions if you have any doubts or concerns. Give feedback if you are satisfied or dissatisfied with their service.



Virtual lawyers are lawyers who provide legal services online. They can offer many benefits for your business, such as saving time and money, accessing specialised expertise, and getting flexible and personalised service. However, they can also pose some risks, such as lack of quality control, security and privacy, and accountability and recourse. To find and work with a reputable virtual lawyer in Australia, you should check their credentials and reputation, ask for a quote and agreement, and communicate regularly and clearly with them..