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Holden is gone. What's next for Australians?


Published: February 01, 2024

It's official. Holden is no more. The iconic Aussie car brand has closed its doors for good, leaving behind a legacy of roaring engines, racing victories and loyal fans. But what does this mean for the future of Australian motoring? Will we all be driving electric scooters and flying taxis? Or will we cling to our old Commodores and Falcons until they fall apart?


Here are some possible scenarios for the post-Holden era:


- We embrace the new wave of technology and innovation, and switch to more sustainable and efficient modes of transport. We become a nation of eco-warriors, leading the world in green energy and smart mobility. We also save a lot of money on petrol and parking.


- We reject the foreign invaders and their fancy gadgets, and stick to our true-blue Aussie classics. We form underground clubs and communities, where we swap parts, share stories and race each other on secret tracks. We also get a lot of speeding tickets and fines.


- We find a middle ground, and adopt a mix of old and new vehicles. We keep our beloved Holdens for special occasions, such as family road trips, weddings and funerals. We also buy some modern cars for everyday use, such as hybrids, SUVs and hatchbacks. We also get the best of both worlds.


Whatever happens, one thing is certain: Holden will always have a place in our hearts and history. It was more than just a car brand. It was a symbol of our identity, culture and spirit. It was part of who we are as Australians.


So long, Holden. You'll be missed.

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